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Thoughts & Inspiration

Who’s Tim?

My name is Tim Hendrickson and I’m just a young man who’s after Gods heart. I’m passionate about people realizing and stepping into their true identity as God’s beloved children and realizing that they were created for incredible things. 

in July of 2014 I left for an incredible journey known as the World Race. This trip was an experience that was pivotal in revealing the truth that God wants to do so much more with my life than I ever thought possible. 

God brought me back home to Charlotte, NC eager to pursue the dreams He placed on my heart which brought me to the Center for Global Action. Here I am being equipped spiritually, mentally and physically for a mission that is so much bigger than anything I could ever do by myself.

The world need’s people who are passionate about making the world a better place and who know the only way to do that in this broken place is by bringing the kingdom of Heaven here to earth. As the body of Christ we can all play our own part in this where we are today. Maybe that’s by showing that annoying person at work some love? Maybe its by telling someone you see in the grocery store that there’s a God out there who loves them? Or Perhaps it’s by joining and supporting me as I step out on faith into Gods calling for my life. Whatever God is calling you to do we must take action and say “yes” to Him.