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Don’t Let Fear Hold You Back

Growing up in a small town as a pretty ordinary guy I can’t say I ever expected to go out and travel around the world. There was never anything really all that extraordinary about me to be honest.. I was never great at sports, I wasn’t all that much of a people person, in fact I was a pretty weird dude! But now looking back I can see how God had this planned all along.

I was in middle school when I first felt the call to missions. I was listening to my cousin give a presentation about her trip to Africa when it hit me.

There was something in me longing to be unleashed to the nations. I remember it feeling as if something was burning in me that craved going out into the world and was in awe at the idea of serving God in the nations.

“I would LOVE to go do this!” I thought to myself. But that burning thought was quickly smothered by lies and doubts as to how someone like me could ever go do something like that.

Though the flame had temporarily been smothered there was still a smoldering ember that God would fan into flame later on in my life and when God breathed life into that ember he turned that desire from “I would love to go do this” to “I HAVE TO GO DO THIS.”

So if you’re reading this and you can relate with that longing to go do something that just seems so much more than anything you could ever do on your own I’d like to encourage you.

If God is calling you to do something then there’s nothing that can stand in the way of that. God has split entire seas before, there’s nothing that can psyche Him out.

Take a step of faith even if it’s a small one. God honors those small steps. When have you ever seen a parent not be proud of their kids first steps no matter how small and clumsy they looked??

Don’t be scared of what others will think. When God started calling me I literally went from hanging out at a drug dealers house every day to going to weekly bible studies. I had every right to be scared of what my friends would think and if I had let that fear direct my steps I wouldn’t be where I am today.

You’re not too insignificant. I mean we can look all over in the Bible and see how God chooses the people who are super ordinary to do some really incredible things. A guy that stutters managed to lead all of Israel out of slavery. A teenaged shepherd took out goliath. A carpenter saved the entire world from sin and death… It’s safe to say God takes pleasure in using the ordinary to do the extraordinary.

So what is God calling you to do?? Whats the next step you can take?