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When You Say Yes


Ever since I started saying ‘Yes’ to God back in November 2012 everything has changed.

I started out as little more than a line cook in a restaurant with no cares other than getting high and having fun. I was living far from the purpose God created me for.

God wanted much, much more for me and my life so He pulled me up out of the darkness I was living in and shaped me into a brand new creation with a brand new heart for serving Him.

Today I’m finishing up my first week as an intern with the Center For Global Action. God brought me here to prep me for the Kingdom work that He had planned for me since the beginning of time. The passion that He has given me for bringing the lost and broken into the Kingdom is a blessing beyond anything I could ever ask for. I have brothers and sisters, to be, all around the world who don’t realize yet what they were originally created for or who they truly are. There’s people out there whom God is calling out to that are so entangled in sin and darkness they have all but given up.

So who am I then to bring hope, love and life to the ends of the earth? Well although I’m no one special in a worldly sense God has made me the light of the world. Jesus said so Himself! I can’t sit back and let these people God SO loves wander around in the darkness. So I’m going to go. I’m going to love. I’m going to shine. Because this is what God created me to do. To reach out to the lost and broken. To show them The Way. That’s what He created me for and that’s what He created you for. Will you say ‘Yes’ to God?

Despite popular belief, being a christian isn’t about going to church. Being a Christian is about BEING the church. Jesus said “deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow me” (Matthew 16:24) and often times our response to that is “Okay, I’ll go to church on Sunday”. And although going to church is good Jesus intended much more for us when He sent the Holy Spirit to live in us.

Jesus said “VERY TRULY I tell you, WHOEVER believes in me WILL do the works I have been doing AND they WILLdo even GREATER things because I am going to the Father”.

Do we as a church believe this to be true? Or are we letting our experiences, or lack thereof, speak louder than Gods word?

What if we all just decided to take ahold of the things God says is truth and put faith in Him and His word. Step out of your comfort zone, even if it’s just a baby step, and go follow Jesus.

It doesn’t matter who you are or where you’re at in life, you were created for something glorious. You have an incredible, loving, Heavenly Father who wants nothing more than to be a Father to you. He sees so much potential in you and believes in you. He really, really, really loves you.

Will you say “yes” to Him?